Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fallout 3: The Pitt

Now, this DLC is not new to me by any means. I've had it since last year and to be honest, it was the first DLC I bought for Fallout 3. It wouldn't be until almost a year later that I would obtain two more of the five DLC for the game, so, I have two left to get. But for now, I'll talk about the add-on for Fallout 3, simply known as "The Pitt." Before I get deep into talking about this, I will say it right now, I do enjoy this add-on. I do have gripes, such as the various bugs and glitches that exist, much like they do in Fallout 3 itself, but overall I enjoy this add-on.

Anyway, for those that might not know, Fallout 3 takes place in the year 2277 (200 years after the bombs fell) on the East Coast of what used to be the United States of America, mostly in Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia. You play a character of your design and name, simply called "The Lone Wanderer" by others, though mainly by Three Dog of Galaxy News Radio.

The Pitt, however, does not take place in the Capital Wasteland. A man named Wernher came from there to the Capital Wasteland and began to broadcast a radio signal over the Wasteland, calling for anyone to come and help him "free his people." The Pitt takes place in the destroyed city of Pittsburgh, 249 miles away.

Before I get started completely, I'll give you the description of the add-on from the store itself as well as a bit of background information on The Pitt. First will be the official description of the place by Bethesda themselves.

The Pitt allows you to travel to the post-apocalyptic remains of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and become embroiled in a conflict between slaves and their Raider masters. Explore a sprawling settlement ravaged by time, neglect, nuclear radiation, and moral degradation. The Pitt is filled with morally gray choices, shady NPCs, new enemies, new weapons, and much more. ---official description.

And now, for the background of the Pitt.

Although Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was not hit directly by atomic bombs during the Great War, the water from the nearby Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio rivers soon became highly irradiated. The confluence of these three rivers yielded disastrous results and changed the area's inhabitants in mysterious ways over the following decades.

Some 20 years before the events of Fallout 3, Owyn Lyons led the Brotherhood of Steel's expedition to Washington, D.C. through The Pitt. In one night, the Brotherhood swept through and destroyed the original raider force occupying the town and rid the surrounding area of other "scum", killing anything that put up a fight. This event is chronicled as "the Scourge". As they cut through the raiders, the Brotherhood also saved several young children, among them Paladin Kodiak, who had not yet been mutated to the extent of The Pitt's adult inhabitants. All the rescued children were brought into the Brotherhood of Steel as initiates. Paladin Kodiak is the only remaining survivor from that group of rescued children that is still stationed at the Citadel.

So, now to actually get into my long-winded talk of the add-on. The Pitt will be available to you upon leaving Vault 101. You'll be notified a minute or two after doing so about a radio signal being broadcast from the north. Of course, you don't have to go there right away, its your choice when you wish to go there.

Either way, when you get there, you'll encounter Wernher being attacked by three Pitt Raiders. I'm not sure if Wernher can die at this point but to be on the safe side, I always aided him in putting them down. Wernher will ask if you came because of the Radio signal and after answering him, he'll brief you on the situation. The Raider leader, Ashur, has a cure that can help the people of The Pitt with their mutation but hasn't distributed it among the people.

To enter The Pitt, Wernher will tell you to get a slave outfit, which you can find at the nearby train tunnel, as a group of Slavers from Paradise Falls has a group of slaves waiting to be sold to the Pitt. There are several ways to obtain the outfit, either by killing the slavers, and freeing the slaves and taking one of the outfits from them (or the dead one in the pen), buying the slaves and resulting in the same options. Do note that if you killed the slavers of Paradise Falls that Ramsey, the only named slaver in this group, will recognize you as such and attack on sight.

Either way, Wernher will approach you after you've gotten rid of the Slavers and freed the slaves, regardless if you obtained the outfit or not. He'll meet you in the nearby train tunnel to get underway. He'll tell you that you can't bring any companions with you, so, they'll automatically be dismissed when you depart.

Upon arrival, several Pitt Raiders will be waiting, one stating that he never expected to see Wernher again. Instead of being diplomatic about the situation, Wernher opens fire on him with his .44 Magnum, killing him in a scripted event. Its up to you to intervene and keep Wernher alive from the rest of the Raiders. After they are dealt with, Wernher will escort you a little bit further but then stop and tell you that you are on your own from here on out, that he can't proceed any further.

So, off you go. After getting across the bridge, you'll see three slaves trying to escape, they'll die in a scripted event by stepping on placed land mines, even if you remove the land mines, they'll still die by an explosion, as its scripted. Now, you'll be greeted by a named Raider, Mex. There are a couple of ways to enter the Pitt here. Wearing a slave outfit will gain you automatic access, but Mex will strip you of all your gear and place it in a key-locked safe. You're a slave now. No items for you!

You can tell him that you are here to join their little group and he'll allow you access, where you'll be met with Reddup, who will have you beaten down, your gear stolen, and a slave outfit placed on you. Or you can kill Mex and his two guards and enter, only to have Reddup do the same. The choice is yours.

No matter the choice, all your weaponry and armor is gone and you're a slave. You can sneak one weapon in, if you choose the dialogue choice with Wernher, he'll give you a Switchblade or a .32 Pistol, both crappy weapons, that will be "concealed" until you appear in Downtown. Either way, that completes the Quest "Into The Pitt" and if its your first time doing so, ding, Trophy/Achievement.

No matter what happens though, you'll immediately start the next Quest, Unsafe Working Conditions. You'll meet Midea as well, Wernher's contact. She'll fill you in on everything and you'll be placed with the duty of going into the Steelyard to find 10 Steel Ingots for the Raiders. If you talk to Milly, another slave, before doing so, you can start an unmarked quest, called "Find Wild Bill."

Either way, meet with Everett, a Raider, in The Mill and he'll take you out to the Steelyard to get you on your way. Your job is simply to collect 10, however, for every 10 you bring him, he'll give you a reward, whether its armor or weaponry. Pretty nice for a Raider. There are 100 Ingots in all and if you find all 100 and give them to him, you'll get all the rewards as well as another trophy/achievement. Also, after acquiring 10 Ingots, you'll get a perk that lets you do 25% more damage with the Auto Axe and its variants (Steel Saw, Man Opener, and The Mauler). While I don't use these weapons, as I rarely make a melee character, it is a nice perk for those who do use Melee.

A small note, if you didn't get Wernher to sneak you a weapon, you can meet with Marco, a slave, and he'll give you an auto axe before you head out into the Steelyard. Also, there is a slave in the Mill named Brand, he's a snitch for the Raiders, telling him the plans of the slaves has no outcome on the ending you get for the add-on but will reward you with negative karma as you're being underhanded.

In the Steelyard, there are Wildmen, people who have suffered mental degradation due to the Pitt's concentrated toxins, however, they haven't degraded so much as to turn into Trogs, which are also present in the Steelyard. Trogs can be a threat in groups, they move about as fast as a Yao Guai, but don't hit as hard, thankfully.

You'll find Wild Bill's body while searching for Ingots. Looting his body will bring back some items, most notably Wild Bill's Sidearm, a unique .32 Pistol that can be repaired with regular .32 Pistols. Not the best weapon in the game but I suppose it can be useful. You'll also find a note on his body, detailing what happened to him. Once you return to Downtown, you can inform Milly what happened either by stretching the truth or being completely honest. You'll be given stimpacks for your efforts.

After getting the 10 ingots, or 100 if you wanted the entire list of rewards, you'll need to return to Midea who will inform you that Ashur is going to open up "The Hole" a battle arena in which slaves have a chance to gain their freedom by winning. Midea puts you forward and you have to face a total of three rounds. However, its not as simple as just going in and fighting. They drop radioactive barrels into the Hole with you, which rapidly raises your radiation sickness. I've had it go up 9 ticks per second at most. But not to worry, after each round, Faydra gives you a shot to cure it completely before the next round.

The first fight is against three other slaves. The second is against the Bear Brothers. The third is against Gruber, a former slave who earned his freedom, but became bloodthirsty and remained a fighter in the Hole. After winning your freedom is gained and your confiscated items returned. You'll also gain another trophy/achievement. One final thing, you'll gain a perk that gives a +3% radiation resistance from fighting in the radiation.

Immediately after, you start the next and final Quest of the Pitt, Free Labor. Ashur wishes to meet with you, as told by Krenshaw, who gives you this quest. It should be noted that if you run into Reddup at anytime, if you were beaten down by him upon entering Downtown, that you can challenge him to a rematch. He'll tell all the others to stay out of it. You're able to kill him without repercussions from the other Raiders.

In Uptown, there is an area called "Abandoned Apartments" its full of Trogs, but has some nice loot. 3 Nuka-Cola Quantums, in case you're on the quest involving them. There is also the "Hat of the People" which is a unique Chinese Commando Hat. There is no real reason to go to these Apartments though, unless you want the items and experience.

Ashur is in Haven, which is the Fallout Universe's version of the Cathedral of Learning, an actual building found in Pittsburgh. When you meet with him, he'll ask you if you've heard of a man named Wernher, you can lie to him (speech check necessary) or tell him the truth. If you tell him the truth, he'll commend you for your honesty, stating its a rare trait to be found. He'll also tell you that Wernher used to be his lieutenant until he tried to steal the cure, where he was then thrown down to be a slave, prior to the events of his escape. He'll also offer to take you to see the cure. But before he can, he'll get reports of slaves rioting and have to run off. You are free to go see the cure yourself though, as stated by Ashur.

Entering the small lab, you'll find Ashur's wife, Sandra, and a small baby named Marie. Even if you haven't realized it yet, dialogue options for your character will make it obvious. The baby is the cure. She was born with an immunity to the radiation and mutations in the Pitt. So, here is a moral choice, though, your morality in the game isn't effected. Steal the baby for the slaves or leave it for Sandra to continue to work on the cure for everyone? Also, in the lab, is Sandra's computer with notes on her research as well as the sickness that eventually degrades people into Trogs. Its an interesting read.

There is also four holotapes that can be found in Ashur and Sandra's bedroom, in a locked safe, so, don't be seen picking it. It details his choices and hopes for his daughter. Almost indicating that even though he does force others to work, to be slaves, that perhaps he isn't all bad. A necessary evil. He even tells you in conversation that in time, he would abolish slavery but to rebuild, workers are a must. That's also something interesting to note, he doesn't call them slaves, he calls them workers, and can even be overheard scolding Krenshaw for calling them slaves. Whereas Wernher on the other hand withheld information from you. Also, if you side with Wernher in this and steal the baby, he'll openly call it a bastard and a brat. And if you side with Ashur in this, by not stealing the baby, and tell Wernher that "kidnapping wasn't part of the deal" He'll say something along the lines like "Boo-fucking-hoo."

Now, its completely opinion-based but to me, Ashur seems to be the "good" one in all of this, so, I usually side with him, even if I'm playing an evil karma character. Partially due to the fact I can't stand Wernher towards the end of this add-on. His attitude does a complete 180, in my opinion. The reason why I put good in quotations is there is no gained positive or negative karma for either side you choose, making the choice more in the gray of things.

Anyway, if you side with Wernher, by stealing the baby, you'll have to fight your way through Haven and Uptown and meet with Midea, who will tell you where to meet Wernher. After doing so, Wernher will give you one final task, to turn off the floodlights in Uptown. Why? Trogs are sensitive to light and wont enter Uptown. Wernher wants to release Trogs into Uptown to rip the Raiders to shreds. To do so you have to travel through Trog infested tunnels. Wernher will give you a stealth boy to aid you. After doing that and escaping from the Trog infested Uptown, return to Wernher to end it.

If you side with Ashur, by leaving Haven without the baby, you'll be friendly to the Raiders, however, some rioting slaves will appear and be hostile towards you. Again, you'll need to find out from Midea where Wernher is. Go there and kill him and report to Ashur to end it. Either choice you choose will bring up the final trophy/achievement for the add-on and you're free to leave and head back to the Capital Wasteland as well as return to the Pitt at anytime, to buy items or whatever. To buy items though, you'll have to side with Ashur, as siding with Wernher will result in the shopkeepers being killed. Also, after all of it is said and done, you can get an unmarked quest "Toys for Tots" from Sandra or Midea (depending on who you sided with) to bring Teddy Bears to Marie. Each one gives you 10xp and 30 Caps. Also, you'll gain one last perk upon completing this quest, no matter who you side with, you'll get a perk that gives you +10% to Radiation Resistance.

So, there's the rundown and pseudo-guide of "The Pitt" as told by me. I enjoy the add-on. It takes 4+ hours to complete, depending on if you do the Steel Ingot side quest and it is quite the fun little add-on, in my opinion. It does have its faults though, such as game crashing bugs, getting stuck in environments, forcing you to load a previous state or fast travel to somewhere else, however, if an enemy is nearby, the fast travel will not work, forcing you to load a previous save. Other bugs involve Wild Bill falling through the floor and forcing you (if you're on a console) to find a way off map to find and loot his body. If you're on the PC, just use the move to player command or turn clipping off so you can drop right down to him.

All in all, a fun add-on even with its bugs and a 7 out of 10 from me. I like the atmosphere of the place, even if it is a depressing place of death, decay, and disease. Its a nice change from the Capital Wasteland. And, because I'm bored, I'm going to list all the new weapons and armors you get with this one! It'll be in alphabetical order because I'm weird like that.

Weapons will be first.

Auto Axe - The auto axe appears to be a modified industrial tool, strongly resembling a concrete saw or chainsaw. The original blade seems to have been removed and replaced with a blade of a different kind. When Marco first gives you an auto axe he explains that he has been making them from industrial materials and scrap metal from the bridge, mostly parts of various cars and vehicles.

The axe inflicts large amounts of damage with its sharp rotating blades. It functions just like the ripper, not like an actual axe. It can also be repaired using rippers, including the unique ripper Jack. The damage that is done by this weapon can be increased with the Auto Axpert perk which is available with The Pitt, after collecting 10 steel ingots from the Steelyard.

Can be obtained from Marco before going into the Steelyard. You can also find it on dead rioting slaves or by picking their pockets while still friendly to you.

Infiltrator - The Infiltrator is a second-tier, special purpose automatic firearm. It has the lowest DAM, DPS, and rate of fire of any weapon in the assault rifle class. However, the integral sound suppressor permits repeated sneak attacks, while the scope permits enhanced spotting (though not necessarily accuracy). The Infiltrator has identical AP cost, spread, magazine capacity, and critical multiplier to other generic assault rifles.

A unique version called the Perforator can be obtained. Both the Infiltrator and the Perforator can be repaired using standard assault rifles. Although the Perforator is essentially a unique Infiltrator, it cannot be repaired with Infiltrators.

Despite this weapon's scope, it still suffers from the typical inaccuracy of an assault rifle. Combined with the fact that each bullet doesn't hit particularly hard, this weapon is not viable for long distance fighting. On higher difficulties, the Infiltrator's low damage outweighs its firing volume benefits. However, due to the silenced nature of the gun, one can get several critical hits on a group before they know what hit them.

Can be obtained from the last enemy in The Hole, Gruber. Also, Mex and the other two guards outside of Downtown carry one each.

Man Opener - It is a unique auto axe. Refer back to the Auto Axe for information on it. Though the weapon deals less damage than The Mauler, the Man Opener ignores normal damage resistance, similar to the deathclaw gauntlet. This property makes it more useful in some situations; for example, when going up against a mirelurk hunter or Enclave Hellfire Trooper.

Can be obtained on the bed in the back of the Supply Plant, which is found in the Steelyard.

Metal Blaster - The Metal Blaster is a unique AER9 laser rifle. The Metal Blaster is a laser shotgun and fires nine laser beams while expending only one microfusion cell. According to Everett, the brainiac who built the rifle fitted a prism into the barrel, splitting the light in every direction. This makes it similar to Protectron's Gaze, a shotgun-esque AEP7 laser pistol.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 50 Steel Ingots.

Perforator - The Perforator is a unique version of the Infiltrator. The Perforator does more damage per shot, has a higher DPS, critical chance, critical damage, but a higher AP cost and significantly less durability. The biggest difference is the reduced rate of fire; the Perforator fires 2 shots for every 3 shots that the Infiltrator can fire.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 90 Steel Ingots.

Steel Knuckles - The steel knuckles do slightly more damage per hit than their brass or spiked counterparts, but really shine when used in V.A.T.S. The steel knuckles use only 14 AP to be swung, giving them one of the lowest AP costs for any weapon. As such, they're great to use with the Paralyzing Palm perk.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 30 Steel Ingots

Steel Saw - The steel saw is a weaker version of the auto axe, dealing roughly half as much damage. Slaves use the steel saw for cutting through metal objects; however, this does not translate to an ingame damage bonus vs. robots.

Can be obtained on dead slaves from the riot or by picking their pockets.

The Mauler - It is a unique Auto Axe that deals much more damage than the original. It has a larger damage/hit and damage/second ratio compared to the standard Auto Axe (45 compared to 35) and uses less AP (50 compared to 65).

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 80 Steel Ingots.

Wild Bill's Sidearm - Wild Bill's sidearm is a unique .32 pistol. Wild Bill's sidearm has the highest item HP among pistols and it fires very fast outside of V.A.T.S., about as fast as you can tap the "fire" button. Because of this, it remains a relatively decent sidearm far into the game despite its low damage.

Can be obtained from Wild Bill's corpse found in the Steelyard.

Armor is next. It's quite the long list.

Ashur's Power Armor - Ashur's power armor is a stylized variant of the T-45d power armor owned by Ashur, the leader of the Pitt raiders. Through years of misuse, makeshift repairs with whatever materials available and constant use, it is a rusty, highly stylized suit of power armor. The left arm of the suit was replaced with the sleeve and glove of the raider iconoclast armor, a brahmin skull substituted for the left pauldron and various bits and pieces of metal were used to patch holes in the structure of it.

The armor is dark with gold colored plates. This is likely a reference to Pittsburgh's official colors, black and gold, which transfer to all of their sports teams such as the Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins.

Can only be obtained by Ashur's death or by putting a better suit in his inventory by the reverse-pickpocket method.

Bombshell Armor - The Bombshell Armor is a unique Raider Ordinance Armor. The breast cups on the female model appear to be hollowed out mini nukes, while the male variant has the back end of the mini nuke tied over their chest. The bombshell armor weighs 5 pounds more than the regular ordinance armor, despite not being any different in appearance.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 60 Steel Ingots.

Filtration Helmet - The Filtration Helmet is a unique Supervisor Helmet. It helps the player resist the effects of radiation to a degree by filtering the air breathed.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 20 Steel Ingots.

Gamma Shield Armor - It is a variant of the Metal Armor. It can be repaired with the metal armor. It helps the player resist the effects of radiation by 15, however, at the cost of one agility point.

There are five suits found within The Pitt. Two can be found while fighting in the Hole, one worn by John Bear, the other by Gruber. A Wildman in the supply plant and another in the Steelyard each have one. The last can be looted from a dead Raider's corpse found in the Steelyard.

Hat of the People - The hat of the people is a unique Chinese commando hat. It was included in the original Fallout 3 files, but cannot be found anywhere in the main game. Could only be obtained via console commands until the Pitt. Interestingly enough, the hat doesn't suffer degradation through combat like other armors.

Can be obtained in a room in the Abandoned Apartments from inside an average locked safe.

Laborer Outfit - It is identical to the tattered slave outfit in looks and can be repaired with slave outfits as well as various Wasteland outfits. It provides a damage resistance of 5 and boosts agility, endurance, and strength by one point each whilst only weighing two pounds. Everett will claim that the previous owner cannot use it anymore due to decapitation.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 10 Steel Ingots

Leather Rebel - The Leather Rebel is a unique Raider Commando Armor. Everett describes the armor as having been worn by a priest who said the armor was bulletproof, a theory which was proven false when put to the test. The name of this armor and Everett's story behind it is a reference to the Judas Priest song "Leather Rebel".

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 70 Steel Ingots

Metal Master Armor - Metal master armor is a unique raider throwdown armor. Everett explains that the previous user made it bullet-proof, but it did not help him after he fell off of the bridge. It is only repairable with leather armor and provides a damage resistance of 36 as well as bonuses of 10 to Unarmed and Energy Weapons whilst incurring a penalty of 1 to Agility.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 40 Steel Ingots

Raider Commando Armor - It resembles a trimmed-down leather armor and provides a damage resistance of 18 as well as bonuses of 3 to both unarmed and small guns.

It can be repaired using all raider armors found in the Pitt (raider iconoclast armor, raider ordinance armor, raider paingiver armor, raider throwdown armor, and other copies of itself) as well as raider armors from the Capital Wasteland.

Obtained from dead Pitt Raiders or it can be bought from Friday if you sided with Ashur.

Raider Iconoclast Armor - Its appearance is that of a worn-out radiation suit armored with several patches and a shoulder strap. It also has a hammer and two picks on the left leg.

The armor provides a damage resistance of 18 as well as a bonus of 5 to radiation resistance. It can be repaired using all raider armors found in the Pitt (raider commando armor, raider throwdown armor, raider ordinance armor, raider paingiver armor, and other copies of itself) as well as raider armors from the Capital Wasteland.

Obtained from dead Pitt Raiders or it can be bought from Friday if you sided with Ashur.

Raider Ordinance Armor - The breast cups on the female model appear to be hollowed out mini nukes, while the male variant has the back end of the mini nuke tied over their chest.

The armor provides a damage resistance of 18 as well as a bonus of 4 to the Small Guns skill. It can be repaired using all raider armors found in The Pitt (raider commando armor, raider iconoclast armor, raider paingiver armor, raider throwdown armor and other copies of itself) as well as raider armors from the Capital Wasteland. The name of the armor likely was intended to refer to ordnance, but was misspelled as ordinance.

Obtained from dead Pitt Raiders or it can be bought from Friday if you sided with Ashur.

Raider Paingiver Armor - It is lighter than most other raider armors as there is very little clothing to it on both females and males. It provides a damage resistance of 18 as well as a bonus of 4 to unarmed.

It can be repaired using all raider armors found in the Pitt (raider commando armor, raider iconoclast armor, raider ordinance armor, raider throwdown armor, and other copies of itself) as well as raider armors from the Capital Wasteland.

Obtained from dead Pitt Raiders or it can be bought from Friday if you sided with Ashur.

Raider Throwdown Armor - Aesthetically, the armor is comprised of components from metal armor and raider sadist armor. It provides a damage resistance of 18 as well as a bonus of 3 to both unarmed and melee weapons.

It can be repaired using all raider armors found in the Pitt (raider commando armor, raider iconoclast armor, raider ordinance armor, raider paingiver armor, and other copies of itself) as well as raider armors from the Capital Wasteland.

Obtained from dead Pitt Raiders or it can be bought from Friday if you sided with Ashur.

Supervisor Helmet - It helps the player resist the effects of radiation to a degree by filtering the air breathed. Putting this helmet on an NPC will create the voice distortion effect similar to NPCs wearing Power Armor helmets.

Can be obtained from dead Pitt Raiders or it can be bought from Friday if you sided with Ashur.

Tattered Slave Outfit - Outfit worn by the slaves. Light brown in color. It can be repaired with other copies of themselves or one of the various Wasteland outfits and provide a damage resistance of 2 as well as bonuses of 1 to agility and endurance.

The tattered slave outfit can be obtained at the beginning of The Pitt, from a slave named Prosper. The add-on gives you the choice of either obtaining it from a dead slave in the slave pen located at the Train Tunnel or requesting one from Prosper himself. If worn, when meeting Mex at the Pitt entrance, Mex will mistake you for a slave.

Tribal Power Armor - Tribal power armor is a T-45d power armor. Through years of misuse, makeshift repairs with whatever materials available and constant use, it is a rusty, highly stylized suit of power armor. The left arm of the suit was replaced with the sleeve and glove of the raider iconoclast armor, a brahmin skull substituted for the left pauldron and various bits and pieces of metal were used to patch holes in the structure of it.

It is aesthetically identical to Ashur's power armor. Everett notes this as being intended by the armor's designers. Pitt natives came to see Ashur as a god, and made this set of armor to emulate the way their god looked. It was one of the original suits of power armor worn by the Brotherhood of Steel. While they are identical in design, their effects vary.

Given to you by Everett as a reward for bringing him a total of 100 Steel Ingots

Welder's Mask - It is a variant of the Raider Arclight Helmet featuring an increased damage resistance of 5. It can be repaired with Raider Arclight helmets.

It can be found on a number slaves in The Pitt, and is in appearance identical to the Raider Arclight Helmet found throughout the Capital Wasteland.

Worn Slave Outfit - The worn slave outfit is identical to the tattered one, with the only difference being that is a dark brown color. It can be repaired with other copies of themselves or one of the various Wasteland outfits and provide a damage resistance of 2 as well as bonuses of 1 to agility and endurance.

Can be obtained through various slaves, either dead ones from the riot or dead ones you find when exploring Downtown.

Phew. That was a lot to do and totally not needed but I was bored enough to do so. Heh. Anyway, to anyone who may read this I hope you enjoyed my ramblings found within and I'll see you next time!

Until then~


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