Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Thoughts On Remixes

Alright I mentioned this briefly in my Robot Master Theme Countdown. #26 Pharaoh Man to be specific. Now, I don't mind remixes, people do it all the time and they do covers of songs and the like - its happened for years and its not going to stop. I can understand and accept that. However, I don't have to like it and for the most part, I don't.

For this particular subject I will use Mega Man music as a key example. When Mega Man Powered Up hit shelves, I was quite excited, I still haven't played it but I've watched other people LP it and do play throughs of it time and time again. I recently watched RoahmMythril do a perfect run of all eight Robot Masters.

Anyway, what I really disliked was what they did to the music. Now, on its own, I will admit that it sounds fine. However, when I compare it to the tracks of Mega Man 1, I come to hate the remixes. Its not necessarily because they are bad but its more of the fact that they do not have the heart and soul that the original music has and that is my major complaint with a lot of remixes and covers.

They just do not have the heart and soul that was originally put into the songs and themes. I know that I'm probably in the minority here with this stuff but I don't care. It is how I feel and I'm not going to stay silent on it. Its my opinion and I shall speak it. Whenever I play the Anniversary Collection of Mega Man, I always play it in the classic style due to this. I just cannot play the game with the remixed music. Its just not the same to me. And, I even feel this way about real song covers, its not just video game music.

Anyway, that's about all I can muster this time. It might not be terribly long, but it doesn't really need to be.

Anyway, yeah, Bou signing out for now.


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